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Thoughts & Inspiration

Let me start off by saying this training camp has been nothing like I expected.  It has been so much better then I could have ever imagined. The worship is nothing like I have experienced before, but it is so good. For instance we will be having a time of worship and you can just feel the presence of the Holy Spirt in the room. We are also encouraged to use the gifts that God has given us during this time. So you will have some people belting out songs like no other, and then you will have people that are dancing around fully immersed in God’s love. Then there are people like me that were given the gift of prayer. We will go throughout the crowd of racers and pray for people that the Holy Spirt is calling us to pray for. Honestly it has been the coolest experiences I have ever had. 

    On another point of how training camp hasn’t been what I was expecting. Would have to be the constant rain. It’s has been raining for the past four days with very short brakes in between. But that doesn’t bother me at all. I love the rain. The one big down side to the rain is our campsite is completely rained out. It is just one big mud puddle. My tent has been fairly dry. Except the first day of rain which ended up making its way into my tent. But overall I have welcomed the rain with a smile and the knowledge that God has beauty in everything. We just have to look for it. For me that is seeing the rainbows after the showers of rain. His beauty can also be seen in the joy we have playing in the rain.  I just pray that it stops raining long enough where I can dry my towel. 

   God has revealed himself more to me in the past week than I think he has in the past year. You know what that statement above isn’t true. I’m now noticing God more and more in all the little things. He has always been there, but now I’m paying so much more attention to Him. He is so good.  In this past week I have been convicted by His glory. I have witnessed supernatural healings that are way beyond my understanding.  I have had better small group conversations then I have ever had before ( my group of guys is the best group there is 😉 ). My understanding of who our Heavenly Father is, has grown so much. The testimonies I’ve heard from my squad mates have helped me realize how good our God is, and how much He wants the best for us. I can’t wait to see what else He has in store for me on this mission trip. 


Mission is life and life is mission


A Son of God

     Luke Risse. 



P.S. Pray that is stops raining a bit so I can dry my clothes. 

10 responses to “Training Camp Life”

  1. I love hearing how you are already seeing God work in your life and those around you! Praying that your eyes and ears would be open to Him. And that you would remain steadfast. I love you- Mom

  2. Luke, we are praying for you! A wise woman in the Lord once told me that what is happening in the natural realm is also happening in the supernatural, unseen realm. Holy Spirit is raining down upon you literally and spiritually and preparing you to share His presence with all those you will meet! We love you!

  3. I am so glad that you and your team are seeing first hand the power of God. Sounds like God has you where you are supposed to be. Praying for you. Love Dad

  4. Love the update! The joy you have is coming out of you and no doubt shared with others. Keep following Him! Love God, love others.

  5. Praying for you Luke—that you can trust your Heavenly Father in all circumstances, and go boldly before Him to ask for help each day. He is a good Father who gives us bread and fish, and not stones and snakes (Matthew 7:7-11) All things are for His glory. We pray that you love His Word more and more. ??

  6. Luke,
    Great perspectives here. You have described how you can search for and find God’s beauty in any situation. That is likely one of the greatest lessons we all can learn. When trials come to us or those we love, can we still find the beauty that we know must be there? Can we feel our Holy Spirit’s touch when the extreme tests come our way? In our spiritual droughts, can we trust him for rain?

    Today you have the opportunity to experience the Holy Spirit in abundance (along with the rain). I pray you never forget that feeling of connection and joy in witnessing the hand of God.

  7. Thank you for sharing your experiences and thoughts with us.
    Please know we are praying for you and your squad! Praying for continued revelation, health, a great understanding of His word, and of course for a break in the rain.
    -Mrs. King (Alyssa’s Mom)

  8. So nice to hear from you Luke. We pray for you and your team to be save. We love how God is working with you and taking you under his care to do his wishes. Love you. Happy Birthday Luke today is September 8. Love you and we will be checking for a note from you. Our computer isn’t working. Tammy and Randy checked and we have get a new one. Today she showed my how to do e mail on my I pad.